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Heidi Hamker

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37120 Bovenden

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Panorama-Foto im Logo: Fotostudio Miriam Merkel, Göttingen

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Compass with arrow pointing to the word love. Olivier Le Moal, Shutterstock Bild 147232670

Dahlia Autumn Flower Design. Subbotina Anna, Shutterstock Bild 64578211

Beauty Within - American Cocker Spaniel Puppy looking looking at itself dressed up in the mirror - 8 Weeks od. WilleeCole Photography, Shutterstock Bild 104965739

Chakra Banner. D. Czarmoto, Shutterstock Bild 98515553

Close up of raspberry tulip on a dark background. Pavels, Shutterstock Bild 24488257

X-Ray female anatomy over a blue background. Studio Araminta, Shutterstock Bild 34209070

Beautyful pink and white tulips isolated on white background. Agnes Cantaruk, Shutterstock Bild 177728948

Great image of a shooting wishing star for christmas. clearviewstock, Shutterstock Bild 60436570

Valentine´s day frame. AnnPainter, Shutterstock Bild 94735720

Lens flare effect. festral, Shutterstock Bild 389438398